Sweet little 6 month old Hailey was such a little doll. Although she didn't much care for having her photo taken, I managed to get a few really adorable shots!
Hello gorgeous! Wow - what a stunning little lady and a cute couple!!! =) Cameron was just amazing in front of the camera. She was full of laughs and ready to try anything. (Sometimes prego poses LOOK fabulous but aren't so fun to get into and out of!) Thank you S. Family! I can't wait to meet your little girl when she arrives.
This little one was only 6 days old and wanted to stay awake for most of the session...but I still managed to capture a few sleepy shots, plus a lot of really funny expressions! I just love all of her jet black hair...I'm sure she'll end up with gorgeous hair just like her mommy!
Little 10 day old Sarah made so many cute and funny expressions during her session - mom & dad are going to get a good laugh when they see all of the images! I just love the one of mom & dad kissing...look at how Sarah is staring up at them very bright eyed! Makes me smile every time I look at it. Thanks P. Family!
This lovely family was a blast to work with. Baby Kaiya was an absolute doll and loved to stick her tongue out (A LOT!!) which made for some really cute shots! Thanks C. Family!
What a fun Valentine's session! Mom used these images on one of my Valentine's Day card designs - how cute! The last shot was quite the challenge - a 70 pound 9 month old puppy & an 11 week old baby!
This wonderful family was back with baby # 2 - a lovely little boy this time. James was full of laughs, then wanted to eat, and then fell asleep for some lovely shots at the end of the shoot! What a great shoot! Big sister was a sweetie with him and was eager to show me where his belly button is. Thank you C. Family!
What an adorable little ball of laughter this little guy was! I've had the pleasure of working with this family since little Troy was a bun in the oven, photographing his gorgeous mommy and then him when his was first born. I love to see my clients personalities develop as they continue to come back in for sessions. Thanks A. Family!
It was seriously tough to pick just a few for this sneak peek! All of them turned out so great - I wish I could share them all! Big brother was a fantastic side kick to baby Dillon...natural expressions, laughter & lots of kisses. Mom & dad had quite a few laughs too. AND if you look close, the 4th image down, Dillon has the cutest little laugh/ smile I've ever seen! Pretty amazing for a 10 day old.
Carlie, a lovely return client, had me come to her home for maternity session two. It was a nice change from being in the studio and I had fun picking out cool little shoot spots. Her son and hubby joined us at the end and of course her cute little doggy! Thanks Carlie - it was fun!